One of the leading conceptual artists. He initiated the international artistic network NET (1971) and took part in the artistic movement Fluxus. During the 60s and the 70s, considered one of the most consequential conceptualists Kozłowski has engaged in analytical reflection and linguistic studies as well as performance art. In the early works his investigations concerned art itself and, especially, its language. He regarded the transparency of language – and its fit with the reality depicted or described – with suspicion. In the following decades, these analytical reflections, never abandoned, were to acquire a progressively critical dimension. The artist developed the language theme throughout the 70s; in books, cycles of drawings and in photographs, such as those presented at the exhibition Facts (1976) and in the documentation for Exercises in Semiotics (1977). During the 80s, the artist began to create large-scope installations, in which he took on board criticism of how art functions in society, among others, series of works devoted to de-mythologising art. During the 90s, and until the present time, Kozłowski has been the author of a number of spectacular installations, in which he deals with the problems of modernist traditions and the social and political context of art.

Born in 1945 in Srem. In the years 1963-1969, he studied painting at the State Graduate School of Visual Arts in Poznań (today the University of Arts in Poznań), where he has also taught (paiting and drawing) since 1967. In the years 1981-1987, he served as the academy`s rector. He has also taught at Statens Kunstakademi in Oslo (1992-1997), Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunste in Amsterdam (1992-2004), Academy Without Walls in Lusaca ( 1999, 2001),and at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (2005-2010). He is currently professor at the University of Arts in Poznań. In 1971, he initiated the NET project- an international artistic exchange. Between 1972-90, he founded and then ran the Akumulatory Gallery in Poznań, which presented the work of Polish and international avant-garde artists. In 1991-1993, he was programming curator of the gallery and collection of the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw. Fellowships with The British Council in London (1979) and DAAD Berlin (1984-85). He lives and works in Poznań.


Recycled News, Esta Gallery, Gliwice




Excersises in Freedom, (with Christine Moldrickx), Neues Museum, Nuernberg    Recycled News, Museum of Contemporary Art – Zagreb

Exercises in Imaging, 9/11 Art Space Foundation, Poznań

Shame, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Obrazy i konteksty, Galeria Esta, Gliwice

Art Archieves, Profile Foundation, Warsaw                                                                      

Covering, Roberto Polo Gallery, Brussels                                                                        

Empatia, Galeria Esta, Gliwice

Sensation of the Reality and Conceptual Practices 1965-1980, Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow MOCAK, Kraków                                                              

Neither East Nor West, Neither North Nor South, “Worker and Kolhoz Woman” Museum and Exhibition Centre, Moscow    

Recycled Games, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Sensation of the Reality and Conceptual Practices 1965-1980, Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu, Toruń

Art-Books, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), New York                                                    

New Conceptual Practices, Galerie Annex 14, Zurich (with Natalią Brandt)              

Gry, games, Muzalewska Gallery, Poznań                                                              

Fragmentation of Time and Space, X Marks Bokship, Matt’s Gallery, London                    

Decompositions, Atlas Sztuki, Łódź

African Standards. Postcolonial Version II, Stallmuseum, Gross Fedenwalde    

Everything Buzzes Apart From What Bubbles. Excercises in Declination, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Everything Buzzes Apart From What Bubbles. Excercises in Declination, Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot     

2011                                                                                                                                            Recycled News II, Galerie Steinek, Vienna                                                                        

Recycled News I, Emerson Gallery, Berlin                                                                          

African Standards. Postcolonial Version I, AT Gallery, Poznań                                

Empathy 2, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


Updated Works, Jan Tarasin Art Gallery, Kalisz

Empatia-Empathy, Muzalewska Gallery, Poznań

The Screen. Luxury Version, BWA Gallery in Olsztyn


Non-Truths/Non-Lies, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow

Screens, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


What’s New?, Signum Foundation, Poznań


What’s Going On?, Emerson Gallery, Berlin

The Library of Time, Kalisz Museum, Kalisz

Rhetorical Figures III, Le Guern Gallery, Warsaw


Rhetorical Figures, Oko/Ucho Gallery, Poznań

Curtains, Starmach Gallery, Cracow

Cistern of Time, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw


Greetings from Berlin, Emerson Gallery, Berlin

United World. Alternative Version II, XX1  Gallery, Warsaw

Counting-Out Rhyme, AT Gallery, Poznań


United World. Alternative Version I, Neuer Kunstverein Regensburg


Hot News, Muzalewska Gallery, Poznań

Exercises in Drawing, R Gallery, Poznań


United World. Democratic Version, BWA  Gallery, Zielona Góra


Objects and Installations, The Brno House of Art, Brno

Deposit, Kameralna Gallery, Słupsk


European Standards, Matt’s Gallery, London

Screens, Rotunda Gallery, Poznań

Time Vacuum, The Arbaer Museum, Reykjavik

European Standards. Polish Version II, AT  Gallery, Poznań

European Standards. Polish Version, Potocka Gallery, Cracow


Temporary Object(s), Stadtgalerie Bern

Spaces of Time, National Museum in Poznań

Episodes, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Colours and Spaces, BWA Stara Gallery, Lublin


Soft Protection. The Great Britain and Northern Ireland Version, Matt’s Gallery, London

Gravity Room and Other Works, Museet for Samtidskunst, Oslo

Drawings and Spaces, BWA, Wrocław


Red-Blue, Arsenał Gallery, Białystok

Things and Spaces, Muzeum Sztuki w  Łodzi

Soft Protection. Danish Version, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen


1993, HCAK, The Hague

Personal Files, Archief, The Hague


Mouvements délicats, Galerie l’Ollave, Lyon

Sharp Objects, Tapko, Copenhagen

Double Exposure, ZPAP on  Mazowiecka Gallery, Warsaw

Eyewitness, BWA Stara Gallery, Lublin


Double Image, Potocka Gallery, Cracow


Sleep Well, Kunstverein Giannozzo, Berlin

Double Agent, Ośrodek Działań Plastycznych, Wrocław

In Yellow, Matt’s Gallery, London


Dark Blue, Kunsthallen Brandts

Klćdefabrik, Odense

Cover Your Face, Archipel, Apeldoorn

Simple Geometry, Royal Le Page Building, Edmonton


Blue Fragments II, ON Gallery, Poznań

Żółty Time, Rote Czas, Blue Zeit, Potocka Gallery, Cracow


Die schwarze Rose, RR Gallery, Warsaw

Blue Fragments, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warsaw


The Room, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

Fata Morgana, Galerie Gruppe Grün, Bremen

The Garden of Art, HAH, Copenhagen

The Academy, Matt’s Gallery, London 1985 The Show, daadgalerie, Berlin

The Exhibition, daadgalerie, Berlin

The Auction, daadgalerie, Berlin

Wall-Paper Drawings, Kastrupgĺrdsamlingen, Copenhagen


3-153, Zakład nad Fosą, Wrocław

Piece for Two and One, RR Gallery, Warsaw

Still Life with Wind and Guitar, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Light-and-Shade Drawings and Their Pictures, Galerie Kanal 2, Copenhagen

Easy Drawings II, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warsaw

Opus II, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań

Opus I, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Easy Drawings, Matt’s Gallery, London

Green Surfaces, Galerie Vor Ort, Hamburg

The Green Wall, its Picture, its Illusion and its Image, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Reconstruction of the Exhibition, Foto- Medium-Art Gallery, Wrocław

Small Drawings, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warsaw

18 Pieces in Watercolour, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Object- and Post-Object Drawings, Galerie Vor Ort, Hamburg

Caledonian Road Series, Matt’s Gallery, London

Time-, Weight- and Quantity Drawings, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań

Wall Paintings I-VIII, X Gallery, Wrocław

Object Drawings, Piwna 20/26 Gallery, Warsaw

Annexation of the Gallery, Krzysztofory Gallery, Cracow

Transmission of the Exhibition, Foto-Medium-Art Gallery, Wrocław


Wall-Paintings I-V, Akumulatory  2 Gallery, Poznań

Wall-Paintings I-III and Wall-Sculptures

III-V, Galerie René Block, Berlin

Drawing Facts, Galerie 38, Copenhagen

Wall-Sculptures V-IX, Galerie S:t Petri, Lund


Colour, Pawilon Gallery, Cracow

Wall and Paper Drawings, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Exercises in Ethics, Galerie S:t Petri, Lund

Exercise in Semiotics, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Exercises in Aesthetics, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw


Lesson, Fiatal Művészet Klubjanok, Budapest

Modal Drawings, Gallery Akumulatory 2, Poznań


Ics, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw

Grammar, Klub Związków Twórczych, Wrocław


Realidade, Vesta Sagrada Organisaçăo

Creativa, Rio de Janeiro

Physics, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw

Lesson, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań


Metaphysics, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw

Set, A Gallery, Gniezno


Points, Krzysztofory Gallery, Cracow

Camera, Foksal Gallery, Warsaw


Situation, Pod Moną Lizą Gallery, Wrocław


Paintings, odNowa Gallery, Poznań

Arrangement, odNowa Gallery, Poznań

2024 – 2025

Series and Editions, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


Beyond the Illusion, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Against All Expectations, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


The Show of Series and Editions, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


DEDICATIONS, Profile Foundation, Warsaw


ALPHABET, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

On Paper, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Images, Works, Books, Archive of Ideas, Poznań

Fluxus in Pills, Archive of Ideas, Poznań


Disegnio, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

Petit, Jan Tarasin Art Gallery, Kalisz

Dialogue with the Space (MOCAK Collection), MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Krakow

New Normativity. Wrocław’70 Visual Arts Symposium, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Wrocław


Who isn’t Afraid of Avant-garde?, Profile Foundation, Warsaw

There Were You Are Not, TRAFO Trafostacja w Szczecinie, Szczecin

Zoom to the 1970s, The National Museum in Gdańsk / Gdańsk Photography Gallery, Gdańsk

Hearing by Eye, Archive of Ideas, Poznań

Borederline. Wrocław Drawin Triennial 2019, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Wrocław


The Avant-Garde and the State, Muzeum Sztuki in Łodź                                       

Motherland in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków

Exercises in Freedom, Polish Conceptualism 1968 – 1981, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden

Skip the Line! Populism and Contemporary Promises, Warsaw Biennial, Warsaw


Concrete Wrocław. The Collection of the Zachęta Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts, Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Wrocław


‘Multiplizieren ist/bleibt menschlich’. Edition Block 1966-2016, Edition Block, Berlin

Remember Lidice, Statdtische Galerie, Nordhorn

DE-MO-KRA-CJA, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin

Ich kenne kein Weekend. The Archive and Collection of Rene Block, LENTOS Kunstmuseum, Linz

In Light of the 20th Century Avant-garde Selected by Andrzej Paruzel, Atlas Sztuki, Łódź

Laiko Źenkla, Nacionalinis M.K. Ciurlionio dailes muziejus, Kovno

The Procedures od 1970s Art, Profile Foudation, Warsaw


Things. Objects. Artifacts, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

Ich kenne kein Weekend. Archive and Collection Rene Block, Neuer Berliner Galerie, Berlin

Personal Structures – Crossing Borders, Palazzo Mora, Venice

Book and What Next, UP Project Space, Berlin

Sztuka Według Polityki. Wystawa dedykowana pamięci Piotra Piotrowskiego, Fundacja Profile, Warszawa

Grammar of Freedom / Five Lessons: Works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow

#naukaczytania, Galeria Słodownia +1, Stary Browar, Poznań

Fluxus Import/Export. Emmett Wiliams and his Adventures in Poland, Museum Fluxus+, Postdam

Remember Lidice, Edition Block, Berlin


Installators, Fundacja Art Stations, Stary Browar, Poznań

Everybody Is Nobody for Somebody, Sala de Arte Santander, Madrid

Metamorfozy idei, Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań

 Proudly Presenting. Generali Foundation Collection, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg

NET/Sieć – sztuka dialogu, Fundacja Profile, Warszawa

Dla każdego gestu inny aktor, Fundacja Art Stations, Stary Browar, Poznań 


Teksty, konteksty, interteksty. Kolekcja w procesie. III pokaz zbiorów radomskiej “Elektrowni”, Mazowieckie Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Elektrownia, Radom

The Unanswered Question. Iskele2, Neuer Berliner Galerie, Berlin

The Themersons and the Avant-Garde, Muzeum Sztuki Łódź

Question of Art, Jan Tarasin Art Gallery, Kalisz

 XX/XXI, Galeria Sztuki XX i XXI Wieku, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

Beyond corrupted Eye. Akumulatory 2 Gallery, 1972-1990, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow


Kolekcja MOCAK-u II, MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow

Back to the Future, International Contemporary Art Fair Artissima, Turin

Die Irren sind los . . . European Fluxus Festival 1962-77, Akademie der Kunste, Berlin

How to Make – Ideen, Notationen, Materialisierung, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden

The Unknown, 3rd Mediationes Biennale, Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu

Correspondences. Modern Art And Universalism, Muzeum Sztuki Łódź

The Lunatics Are On The Loose, Fluxus Festival, Aula UAP Gallery, Poznań

NET/Sieć – sztuka dialogu, Fundacja Profile, Warszawa

Beyond corrupted Eye. Akumulatory 2 Gallery, 1972-1990, Zachęta-National Gallery of Art, Warsaw


On Depth, 9th Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale, Krasnoyarsk

To Multiply Is Human: 45 Years of Edition Block 1966-2011, Edition Block, Berlin

MAPS (Art Cartography in the Centre of Europe 1960-2011), Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava

NOT in PLACE, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warszawa

Standstill – Activist art from the Marinko Sudac Collection, The Museum of Avant-garde, Zagreb/Rijeka

Historia w sztuce, MOCAK Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej w Krakowie


Diagram, Gallery of Action. Warsaw

The New Décor, Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow

Things Evoke Feelings. Selected Narrations for the CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Centre

for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Conceptual Art and the Photographic Medium, Museum of City Łódź, Łódź

Fluxus East, Henie Onstad Art Centre, Hovikodden

Home. The Way of Existence, 7th Triennale of Sacrum Art, City Gallery of Art, Częstochowa

Vinyl. Records and Covers by Artists, Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow

Starter. Works from the Vehbi Koç

Foundation, ARTER Space for Art, Istanbul

Mediators, National Museum in Warsaw

Vinyl. Records and Covers by Artists, La Maison Rouge, Paris


Open City, Centre for Intercultural

Creative Initiatives ‘Crossroads’, Lublin

Fluxus East, Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Copenhagen

Round and Round Again 1989–2009, Centennial Hall, Wrocław

Diff erence Beyond Diff erence, Stary Browar, Poznań

Ideas, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Vinyl. Records and Covers by Artists, Museu Serralves, Porto

Drawing Deliberations, BWA Labirynt Gallery, Lublin


 Un coup de dés, Generali Foundation, Vienna

Food for Thought, Sukkerfabrik, Stege

A Story Diff erently Told, Centre for Contemporary Art Łaźnia, Gdańsk; Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

To Be Continued, Edition Block, Berlin

Fluxus East, Ludwig Múzeum — Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Mediations Biennale, Poznań

Third Act, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław

Fluxus East, KUMU Kunstimuseum, Tallinn


For a Special Place, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York

Dialogues, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin

8784h Project, XRay Gallery, Luboń

Ist gleich (=), Galerie Nord, Berlin

Words — Forms — Meditations, BWA Grodzka Gallery, Lublin

Fluxus East, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin

Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Polnisches Institut, Berlin


Art, Life and Confusion, 47th October Salon, Belgrade

… und so hat Konzept noch nie Pferd

bedeutet, Generali Foundation, Vienna

How to Live Together? 27th Sao Paulo Art

Biennial, Sao Paulo

In Poland That Is Where?, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Ars Baltica, Burgkloster zu Lübeck, Lübeck

Vinyl. Records and Covers by Artists,

Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona

Occupying Space, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb


Vinyl. Records and Covers by Artists, Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen, Bremen

Schrift, Zeichen, Geste, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Chemnitz

Sicht der Dinge, Ostdeutsche Galerie und Museum, Regensburg

Ankunft, Emerson Gallery, Berlin

Warsaw–Moscow/Moscow–Warsaw 1900– 2000, Tretyakowska Gallery, Moscow

Egocentric, Immoral, Outmoded.

Contemporary Images of Artists, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw

Habitat, National Museum in Szczecin


Polonium 209, Forum des Cordeliers, Toulouse

Beyond Geometry, Los Angeles Museum of Art, Los Angeles

Alphabet, AT Gallery, Poznań

Collected Views from East or West,

Generali Foundation, Vienna

Warsaw–Moscow/Moscow–Warsaw 1900–2000, Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw

EuroArt, 1st Art Biennale, Koszary Sztuki, Świnoujście


Family Counters. Art in Family/Family as an Art, Samara Art Museum, Samara

Reading Spaces, Plastyfi katory Gallery, Luboń


2000+ Arteast Collection. The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West, Orangerie Congress, Innsbruck

Hommage a Jerzy Ludwiński, R Gallery, Poznań

Negotiators of Art. Facing Reality, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow


Negotiators of Art. Facing Reality, Centre for Contemporary Art Łaźnia, Gdańsk

Visual Art — Simple Life, Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg

Arte Conceitual, Museu de Arte

Contemporânea da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo

2000+ Arteast Collection. The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West,

Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana

Changes of Order, National Gallery, Prague

To From, Kraków Meeting 2000, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow

Time and Moments, Stara Gallery,

Labirynt 2 Gallery, BWA, Lublin

Samizdat. Alternative Kultur in Zentralund

Osteuropa — die 60er bis 80er Jahre,

Akademie der Künste, Berlin


Conceptual Refl ection in Polish Art.

Experiences of Discourse: 1965–1975,

Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Chronos and Kairos, Museum

Fridericianum, Kassel

Mediations, Inner Space, Poznań


Tapko — Sunday Morning Walk,

Kunsthallen Brandts Kladefabrik, Odense


Sternkarte, Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern

Lengyelország Művészet 1945–1996, Műcsarnok Szépművészeti Múzeum,

Ludwig Múzeum — Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Haltungen, Dresdener Schloss — Georgenbau, Dresden


Oikos, Leon Wyczółkowski District Museum, Bydgoszcz

Photography — Vehicle of Art, Material of Art, Contemporary Art Gallery Bunkier

Sztuki, Cracow


Orient-Action, 4th International Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul


Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa,

Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

Klimata, Berner Galerie, c/o Suti Galerie, Bern

Contemporary Polish Art, National Museum in Poznań

Art-huts, Malmö


odNowa Gallery 1964–1969, National Museum in Poznań

The Vector of Art, Arsenał City Gallery, Poznań


Listening to Art, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Books and Pages, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw

Polnische Avantgarde 1930–1990, Kunsthalle NBK, Berlin

Łódź–Lyon. Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi 1931–1992. Collection — Documentation —Actualité, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, l’Espace lyonnais d’art contemporain (ELAC), Lyon

Hovedet Gennen Muren, Statens Museum, Copenhagen


Eyeshot, Kunsthallen Nikolaj, Copenhagen

Doppelte Identität. Polnische Kunst zu Beginn der neunziger Jahre, Landesmuseum, Wiesbaden

Der Raum des Werte, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel


The Readymade Boomerang, 8th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney

Rhetorical Image, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York

Kunst, Zennsur und Xerox, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf

Fluxus, Henie Onstad Art Centre, Hovikodden


Vision and Unity. Strzemiński and 9 Contemporary Polish Artists, Van Reekum Museum, Apeldoorn

Broken Music, Berlin, Grenoble, Sydney, Amsterdam, Montreal


On/Over, National Museum in Warsaw, Warsaw

Diff use Photography, Arsenał City Gallery, Poznań


Freiraum, Kunststation, Kleinsassen


Polnishe Kunst, Sprengel Museum, Hanover


Dem Frieden eine Form geben, Kunstverein, Hamburg


Triptychon, Kampnagelfabrik, Hamburg


Libres d’artista, Galerie Metronom, Barcelona


Individual Mythologies, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań

Art of the 1970’s, BWA Labirynt Gallery, Lublin


Private Opinions, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań

The Seventies, Museo Universitario de Arte, Mexico City


X Biennale de Paris, Paris

02/03/02, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Montreal

Peace Please, Huset, Copenhagen


Facts, Akumulatory 2 Gallery, Poznań

Pan-Conceptuals, Maki Gallery, Tokyo

Actualities, National Museum in Poznań


The Media Exhibition, Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Signifying, The Kyoto Museum of Art, Kyoto

Contemporanea, Villa Borghese, Rome

Cracow Meetings, BWA, Cracow

The Decade of the 70-ies, CAYC, Buenos Aires


Perspective 74, Museu de Arte

Contemporânea da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo

The World Uprising III, ISRC, Nagano-ken

Six Artistas Conceituas, Museu de Arte

Contemporânea da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo


Omaha Flow Systems, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha

The World Uprising II, ISRC, Nagano-ken

Art for All, Cheap Thrills Gallery, Helsinki


Espace — Situation ’72, Galerie Impact, Lausanne

Arte de sistemas, CAYC, Buenos Aires

Communications, Hours Gallery, Sydney


Dreamers Congress, IV Biennale of Forms,

EL Gallery, Elbląg


8th Meeting of Artists and Art

Theoreticians, Osieki

Symposium Wrocław ’70, Wrocław

Exhibition of Young Art, Bałtycka Art Gallery, Sopot

Exhibition of the Professors of State

School of Visual Arts in Poznań, National Museum in Poznań


The Youngest Generation in Polish Art, Współczesna Gallery, Warsaw